Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pallavi's birthday cake

Pallavi is one of the chemists I work with at the research and development lab. She turned 55 years old on November 1st and she was happy to share with all our colleagues the cake I made for her.
The cake was filled with peach custard cream and was covered in dark chocolate ganache. All the decorations (roses, carnations and leaves) were made with gum paste, and is true they do not like the whipped cream at all - the leaves put directly over lightly whipped ganache softened and started to slide off the cake... Nobody else besides me cared about the "falling leaves" (I was very upset), and Pallavi wanted me to take a picture of her and her birthday cake, she really liked it a lot, sincerely!
Initially I wanted to make a basket weave around the cake to make it look like a basket of flowers, but I was forced to change the design of the cake due to unforeseen circumstances...
The flowers turned out pretty well, I was pleased with them.

Never made carnations before but I think they look great for the first time! They are pretty easy to make, I followed this tutorial from YouTube:
Although I did not use any stamens, my 3-row-petals carnations are realistic (in my opinion).
And a tasty section image for all of you:


  1. Minunat buchetul de trandafiri.Si tortul este pe masura.Te pup!

  2. Multumesc DiaMar, te pup si eu!

  3. arata f bine. felicitari pt flori. arata bestial!

  4. Scuza-ma pentru intarzierea cu care ma prezint....imi place enorm tortul inflorit,arata minunat si mai imi place si chestia cu scobitorile asa am mancat si noi trandafirii de la tortul meu,am servit la fiecare cate un spun rasetele...Oricum prefer scobitorile decat"sarma imbracata in hartie "
    Te pup!!!!!!!

  5. Giovanna - multumesc, cu florile am fost destul de multumita si eu cum au iesit; tortul in totalitatea aspectului lasa de dorit... Am avut alt design in minte, dar pe asta l-am lucrat cu cele doua maini stangi (eu fiind dreptace!)...
    Ai avut perfecta dreptate cand mi-ai spus ca sarbatoritii se bucura de tort (mai ales daca e surpriza) si ca ei nu observa detaliile la care ne uitam noi (cei care facem tortul)... Colega mea a fost tare incantata, fericita de-a dreptul!

  6. Petronela draga, multumesc de vizita si de aprecieri; esti binevenita oricand ai tu timp, postarile mele nu se duc nicaieri... ha ha ha
    Am modelat trandafirii pe frigarui de bambus ca asa mi-a fost mai usor, dar intentia mea a fost sa-i scot de pe frigarui si sa-i asez direct pe tort. Dar stii tu ca socoteala de-acasa nu se potriveste cu cea din targ... am fost nevoita sa schimb in ultima clipa modelul (designul) si m-am adaptat noilor conditii, asa ca i-am lasat pe frigarui (pe care le-am scurtat putin). Garoafele le-am facut pe sarma pentru ca ficare petala trebuie uscata cu susul in jos... Abia dupa ce le-am terminat mi-a venit o idee cum le-as putea face pe frigarui (nu pe sarma) si sa le agat ca se usuce, insa era prea tarziu. Au iesit bine (este prima incercare), toti au zis ca arata de parca-s reale, si sunt usor de facut.
    Te pup si eu!
