Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby shower cake - my first fondant cake! (April 09 - 2011)

This is my first cake covered in fondant! It turned out pretty well, not bad for the first time, I was pleased and my friend Anita (the mom-to-be) was happy (her daughter Lejla was born in June)...

The lack of experience prevented me from covering the cake with one sheet of fondant, I had to do it by pieces - first the sides and then the top.
I made a pair of baby booties and a bib using gum paste as cake toppers but they were too big for the top tier of the cake, so I kept the top tier on the side...
  I modeled two babies that looked oh, so bad!- that I decided to cover them with blankets... The good looking babies you see next to the smallest cake (the one that was meant initially as the top tier) are not edible, they were purchased by me.

All around the cake there were 20 pairs of miniature baby shoes made with gum paste, they were very time consuming.

 The stitching tool and the extruder gun helped a lot for the sewing marks and for making the shoe laces and the bib's ribbon.

The big cake (the base) had champagne cream with raisins filling, I used Laura Laurentiu's recipe. Did not have a chance to take photos of the top parts (top tiers) of the cake which were filled with strawberry cream...


  1. Pentru primul tort cu fondant ti-a iesit superb, inclusiv botoseii :) Multumesc pentru inspiratie, ma gandesc sa incerc si eu. Cred ca suntem si destul de aproape, eu locuiesc in suburbiile Chicago-ului :)

  2. Bine ai venit pe la mine Mihaela! Multumesc pentru aprecieri, botoseii sunt a doua pereche ce i-am facut si m-a ajutat tare mult "stitching tool" si "clay extruder", cand am facut prima pereche de botosei nu aveam nici un instrument pentru ca nu mai lucrasem niciodata cu gum paste nici cu rolled fondant. Fa-ti curaj si incearca si tu, sa stii ca nu e greu deloc dar cere oleaca de rabdare (pe mine ma relaxeaza si ma destinde - e drept ca nu fac asta pentru bani ci doar pentru familie+prieteni+colegi).
    Eu locuiesc in suburbiile Detroit-ului, doar cateva ore de condus ne despart, asta e considerat destul de aproape, intr-adevar!
    Te mai astept cu drag si te rog sa ma tii la curent cu realizarile tale. O saptamana buna iti doresc, si mult noroc!
